Fortnite’s Mistakes In Taking On Apple
It’s meant to fail from the start, taunting the giant is waving the red cape on raging bull.
The fireworks will last for awhile, the shock and awe approach has its 15-minutes of fame until Apple pounds back, harder.
It is understandable why they took this approach though, akin to Apple’s “1984” ad to thwart IBM.
After Epic (Fortnite’s parent company) filed the lawsuit, Apple has threatened to removed Epic’s ability to feature any of their future applications on the iOS platform including Macs.
An overview of this war pertains to Epic’s wanting to have it owns payment system within the Apple App Store wherein they can keep all the profits from their in-app purchases. This is to circumvent Apple’s 30% commission charge.
Why will Epic games fail in taking on Apple?
- Epic games came into legal agreement to accept the 30% commission once they submitted and got Fortnite approved to be available on the App store.
- Apple provides an enormous and robust ecosystem for developers that readily gives them access to customers and automated processes. This helps developers focus on, well, developing games and apps instead of worrying about the back end including customer acquisitions.
- Will Fortnite scale if it exists in a world without the Apple iOS store?
- There are key arguments with regards to the heightened anti-trust threat from the congress. However, it is an immense counter-argument that Apple truly revolutionize the mobile sphere and without doing so, is mobile even as advanced right now? Will companies even exist? How about the influx of developers and the App revolution?
- The publicity game as we know in this digital age has a rapid rate of expiration and relevance. At the end of the day, substance will come to light and agreements accepted will be put into question. Even the #freefortnite hashtag does not make sense as they actively taunted Apple by intently violating the rules and expecting the game to be removed.